Karidat, an affiliate of Catholic Charities is a non-profit organization that is the parent agency for several programs in the CNMI. Karidat's mission is to provide service and advocacy to those in need. Karidat is committed to helping people in the community organize to effectively address their own needs as a collective.
サイパン、テニアン、ロタの被害者ホットライン -24時間
Monday-Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday-Sunday: CLOSED
Anyone seeking assistance from their programs is able to inquire. For more information on any of Karidat programs, please do not hesitate to contact their office.
Minimum requirements for emergency rental assistance: (one month assistance)
a) Identification of all those in the household
b) Company notice of unemployment/reduce hours/furlough/non-renewal
c) Two latest check stubs for all working members in the household.
d) Outstanding bills and latest payments receipts to support need for assistnace
e) Certification of all public benefits received.
f) Current Landlord Business License
g) Completed and signed W9 form by the landlord
h) Copy of signed rental agreement; must be current
i) Invoice from landlord to indicate which month requesting rental assistance for
Emergency Rental assistance is upon availability of funding.
Food Voucher Program (upon availability): must furnish documents to support at least the following two conditions:
a) Not eligible to receive public assistance.
b) Proof of reduced hours/furlough/non-renewal.
c) Obligations exceed income (outstanding bills and latest check stubs)
d) Unforeseen situation that affects the ability to provide for nutritious food at home.
Please call the main office to get guidance on other documents to submit. Voucher is upon availability of funding.
ファミリー サービス プログラム (緊急用レンタルおよび食料パントリー/バウチャー、寄付管理、ボランティア サービス プログラム、リサイクル ショップ)
被害者ホットライン (家庭内暴力やその他の形態の暴力を受けており、支援や紹介が必要な方のための 24 時間の秘密ホットライン。Guma' Esperansa への紹介としても機能します)。
Guma' Esperansa (家庭内暴力、性的暴行、ストーカー行為、デート中の暴力から逃れている人のための緊急避難所。24 時間年中無休)。
性的暴行サービス プログラム (カウンセリング、集中的な事件管理、性的暴行を経験した人に対する支援サービス)。
家庭内暴力、性的暴行、ストーキング、デート暴力の被害者のための暫定住宅プログラム - 人身売買被害者のための包括的サービス (人身売買被害者のための直接的および支援的なサービス、およびケース管理)。
サービスに関するその他のお問い合わせについては、本社にお電話いただくか、Sr. Remedios Community Center、3119 Chalan Katana Drive までお越しください。月曜日から金曜日、午後 8 時から午後 4 時まで
The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. We do not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We simply provide information as a public service. (Information from 211info.org)